Chili Cook Off 2018

February 2018
Well – another January, another Chili Cook-Off! And what a success it was. The Chili Cook-Off has developed into an annual social event for many in Granada. This year the event was held for a second time at the Garden Cafe, a well-known central Granada restaurant. We are indebted to Damien, Xiomara and their hard-working staff who help set up the tables and stage and worked tirelessly all afternoon. The twelve contestants had their chilis taste-tested by the three judges: Gert Rausch, Janice Gallagher, and John Davisson. Gert and Janice were the winners of the contest in 2017 so they are recognized chili experts! The tasting began at one thirty with Helen taking three samples of each chili to the judges´ secluded area. The samples were numbered so that the judges wouldn’t know whose chili they were tasting. Each chili was judged on the basis of looks, smell, consistency, taste and after-taste. In the end the scores were tallied and later in the afternoon, the winning chili maker was awarded a certificate and a red cap announcing the wearer was the winner of the 2018 Granada chili competition. This year the winning chili maker was Jacob Guajardo of TASTE Restaurant. The public gained entrance at 2:00 by paying $10.00. Entrance included the opportunity to try each of the chilis, a door-prize draw ticket and three votes for favorite chilis. Votes went to help choose the People’s Choice winner. That winner this year was Sarah DeClue from Pan de Vida Bakery who was also awarded a certificate and a cap. For the first time ever we also awarded a prize for table decorations. Caroline and John Johns won that prize.
Our thanks to these 12 chili contestants without whom this event could never happen: Nancy Bergman and Terry Leary of Casa San Francisco. Jacob Guajardo of the Restaurant TASTE. Diane Stewart of Mango Mini Golf, Sarah DeClue of Pan de Vida bakery, Team Proyecto Mosaico, Rafael López Bravo, John and Carolyn Johns, Heather and Donny Emerick, Casey Callais, Lonnie Curran, Apri Whyatt & Carol Rea.
There were many raffle prizes, attractively wrapped in themed containers. At different times during the afternoon, Helen made announcements thanking all those involved in the event and drawing numbers for winners of the lottery prizes. The following is a list of all those of all those who donated prizes for the raffles – an added value to the whole experience. Thank you. Thank you. Garden Café, Cuidad Lounge, Sabor, La Frontera Restaurant, Cafe d´Arte, Casa San Francisco, Cafe de Los Sueños, Pita Pita Restaurant, Bocadillos Restaurant, Nectar Bar/Restaurant, El Corral Restaurant, La Hacienda Bar/Restaurant, Encuentros Lounge, El Garaje Restaurant, Los Arrieros Restaurant, PURE Spa, Pan de Vida Bakery, Finca las Cabriolas, Los Mangos Mini Golf, Polish, In Style Salon, Julia Print Store, Tiendita Coralillo, Condo/Hotel Xalteva, Pacha Mama Tours, Addy Roddy. Live music by Mr. Turner and Mr. Carson Boyd was enjoyed by all. These two musicians are active in the Granada music scene if you should want to hear them again or even hire them for an event of your own.
The event is growing yearly and we will be searching for an even larger venue for 2019. Please mark the last Sunday of January on your calendar for the next CHILI COOK-OFF. See you then!
Submitted by Carol Rea of behalf of Annaelizabeth Brandon Biblioteca Puedo Leer Administrator and planner extraordinaire of the 2018 Chili Cook-Off competition
Carol Rea
Puedo Leer Library
Granada, Nicaragua
Bringing the Joy of Reading to Nicaragua
- Chili Cook-Off 2018
- Chili Cook-Off 2018