Who We Are
- Puedo Leer is the first lending library in Granada, Nicaragua that is open to the public, with a focus on promoting reading and a love of reading among children.
- We strive to motivate children to become lifelong learners and succeed academically and economically.
What We Do
- We provide access to books through libraries and free lending services by giving teachers and parents books they can use with children.
- We educate parents and teachers on the importance of reading and train educators on setting up libraries, and understand the lending system.
- We give the children of Nicaragua a place of community and the freedom to learn and play in the same space.
Why We Do It
- We want to bring the pleasure of reading to as many people in Nicaragua as possible.
- It is important to increase literacy, assist in educational endeavors, and to make libraries community centers.
We see the children becoming lifelong learners, succeeding academically and being instrumental in raising the standards of education and literacy.