Quarterly Newsletter 2019

From the Puedo Leer Family to you Saludos! Biblioteca Puedo Leer Granada Nicaragua Biblioteca Puedo Leer putting books into the hands of children HURRAH, Another One! Biblioteca Puedo Leer is opening another lending library in Granada, Nicaragua. Fundación Casa de los Tres Mundos, the beautiful community centre in the middle of Granada, is giving Biblioteca Puedo Leer space to house another lending library. This library will be right in the centre of Granada in a space that opens up with large double doors to the plaza where a lot of Nicaraguans walk. There are three schools within a couple of blocks and many children, adults who use the community centre for art and musical classes and several restaurants and other businesses. The space will be freely given for our use with us only responsible for looking after it and paying for the electricity we use. We are thrilled! Thank you Dieter Stadler & Fundación Casa de los Tres Mundos. As all of this was coming to be, a young Nicaraguan, Franco Robleto offered us his mother’s book collection. She is recently deceased but was an avid reader so Franco is donating her 300 or so books to Biblioteca Puedo Leer. Again we were thrilled and we have asked Franco’s permission to name the library Biblioteca Thelma Isabel Prego Memorial Library after his mother. Thank you Franco Robleto. So we now have a mountain of work to do to prepare the library for it’s opening which we hope will be in early September if not before. Stay tuned! Respectfully submitted by Carol Rea Committee Member for Biblioteca Puedo Leer rhttps://vimeo.com/308010365 New Books in the library: Capitán Calzoncillos – Señor Sohediondo por Dav Pilkey La Familia Cool por Dania Santana Cada Niño – Every Child por Tish Hinojosa TECAS 2019 We are continuing our reading incentive programme where we pay a ‘teca’ to a child for reading another book. They can then use the tecas to buy small items such a small toys, school supplies etc that have been donated to us. Our library membership remains vibrant and growing and we are planning ways to connect more with adolescents in the hopes we can entice them to join and use the library. Dictionaries Project: Thank you everyone who participated in our Dictionary campaign, with a special thanks to Gail Rachor, Pam Parfitt, Vicki Morgan, Noreen Quan, Carol Hilt, Kay Burdette, Shirley Schmidt and Libreria San Jeronimo for all your help. With your donations we were able to purchase 90 basic Larousse Dictionaries plus we received 9 Junior Dictionaries donated by Libreria San Jeronimo, These will benefit nine Elementary Public Schools in Granada. We always make a point to ask what the school needs and several school directors mentioned the need for dictionaries. Most schools do not even have one set and it takes a thoughtful parent, with extra money, to supply a child with his/her own. We will also be introducing the teachers and classes to some fun dictionary activities to motivate their students. This Project will continue as we still have at least 12 more Elementary Schools in need of dictionaries. They are not that expensive – around $3.00US for a basic one. We would love to be able to buy sets if you would like to make a donation. It would take at least forty for a full set as class sizes are really large here. Actually even half a set (20) would at least allow for a teacher to do activities with the students sharing two to a dictionary. If this idea appeals to you, please contact us and we will discuss how it can be accomplished. Upcoming Events August Dictionaries Delivery August Dictionaries Delivery September: TECAS We know there are many places where you can donate your money, We would love if you would please consider donating to Biblioteca Puedo Leer to continue our free programs and projects in our community of Granada. Thank you to all of our supporters, because of your help we can continue promoting the love of reading. Avancemos proudly supports Puedo Leer with financial backing. Avancemos will gratefully accept your tax deductible donation to Puedo Leer. You can donate via PayPal/Credit Card, or by Check. To donate please click on the link below:https://www.avancemos-youth.org/donate Donate |