

Our Sincere Condolences

«May care and love comfort Carol and her family during this time of grief» Biblioteca Puedo Leer Family A donation of $400Can was made to the library in the name…
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Getting to know the Puedo Leer Board Members

Getting to know the Puedo Leer Board Members Tamara Bailey Like many of you, my involvement in Granada started with a vacation. In 2006, our family travelled to Nicaragua to…
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Library Closures COVID-19

For the safety of our staff, library members and our community, all libraries and Reading corner will remain closed until further notice. Effective immediately, Friday March 20, 2020. We will…
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Tecas Times Part 2

TECAS – Sábado 14 de Marzo 2020- 10:00am Rincón de Lectura-Hotel con Corazon Que son las TECAS? Nuestro programa TECAS es un incentivo donde los niños ganan tecas por su…
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Tecas Time

TECAS – Sábado 7 de Marzo 2020- 9:30am Biblioteca El Pantanal 11am en la Biblioteca de Santa Lucia *Max & Judith Bailey Library* Que son las TECAS? Nuestro programa TECAS…
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Events for February / March 2020

February & March 2020 Please click on the link below to open calendar of events! http://www.puedoleerlibrary.org/events/

Gracias a todos!

Biblioteca Puedo Leer wants to thank all of the generous donors for their support in promoting the love of reading in the Community of Granada. Special thanks go out to…
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Puedo Leer Environmental Project 2020

Puedo Leer Environmental Project February 2020 Each month will have an environmental theme that will include activities for children (and possibly, the adults) that will lead them to a better…
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