
Etiqueta: books

Annual Chili Cook Off Fundraiser

ANNUAL CHILI COOK-OFF Once a year, on the last Sunday in January, Puedo Leer hosts a Chili Cook-off in the Granada area to raise money for the libraries and provide…
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Tecas Times Part 2

TECAS – Sábado 14 de Marzo 2020- 10:00am Rincón de Lectura-Hotel con Corazon Que son las TECAS? Nuestro programa TECAS es un incentivo donde los niños ganan tecas por su…
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Tecas Time

TECAS – Sábado 7 de Marzo 2020- 9:30am Biblioteca El Pantanal 11am en la Biblioteca de Santa Lucia *Max & Judith Bailey Library* Que son las TECAS? Nuestro programa TECAS…
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Events for February / March 2020

February & March 2020 Please click on the link below to open calendar of events! http://www.puedoleerlibrary.org/events/


Dear friends of the library, From the Puedo Leer Family to you Saludos! Thanksgiving is about growing a grateful awareness of everything in our lives. Thank you for all you’ve…
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(English) Feliz Navidad 2018

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Marquen sus Calendarios!!

9no Evento de Chili Cook-Off para recaudar fondos para la Biblioteca  Puedo Leer!! Domingo, Enero 27, 2019  

(English) Shop for a Cause this Holiday Season

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(English) GoFundMe Campaign

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